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2023 New Year Resolutions - not self driven but for the community and planet
I have been thinking about 2023 and what my goals are for the community I serve. My personal goals are relevant but I am strong believer in having a purpose and goals that are not self driven. That might mean striving to keep my family happy and helping to save the environment.  Have you started to think about your goals for 2023? I challenge you to have community driven goals for 2023. Email them to me at and we can be accountable together.

I think these days people are becoming too self driven and introspective that they become self absorbed and lose how to be happy. People seem to be able to set goals but most of the time they are self driven goals that don't sustain happiness.  It is not hard to be happy!  It is a known fact that gratitude, grace and giving brings happiness and especially in times of difficulties.

Having said that, giving time for peace and fitness for the self is important in my books. In the last two terms of 2022 I picked up tennis again. I also joined an adult Floorball team to show support to my middle child for his favourite sport. I did that for him but I have got so much out of joining these sports teams again. Along with losing some weight and feeling great about it!

I have also been pondering the need for us all to acknowledge our feelings and not to run away from them or label them as an oddity.  In 2022 I have been learning how to also understand the significance of the feelings that I have and in particular the stress of running a business.  Running a business as a sole founder and shareholder can be lonely unless you find a tribe and acknowledge feelings, I believe.

Again it is a fact that the human condition must and does suffer along side happiness.  Guilt is one that I always try to avoid from my heart as it seems very much like worry that serves no purpose. In respect to your sustainability journey please don't ever feel guilty just do what you can and let us help you when we can.

I would like to offer you today, 20% off the first box of our latest New Year Resolution MUNCH KITCHEN SUBSCRIPTION BOX whereby you will receive everything you need to keep your kitchen eco clean for a month. You will be saving over $50 when you buy a subscription.

Only $19.99 a month to become an eco warrior with us.

Here is the link and the discount code is SUBNY. You have one week to claim the discount so try now..... 

Happy New Year and looking forward to our journey in 2023.

Anna XX

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