Our story
nil transforms your world into an ethical world. From the everyday essentials to the ethical essentials. When you buy a nil it comes with a story. You invest in a life of change. Consumerism is faceless. But a nil product is real, personal investment in transforming lives. Transform your everyday world into an ethical world with nil. Making it easy with nil effort to create a world that has nil harm and nil waste.
All our products are eco friendly in some way from being reusable, organic to biodegradable. Everyday products making a difference.
All our ingredients and products are sourced from ethical communities.
We have a strong Home workforce of women. We bring work to these women to enable them to not only to obtain an income but be part of a company with a purpose.
Help us to educate the world by buying from us, fundraise with us, advocate with us and make a difference. Let’s nilify our world together.