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Goals. Do we ever meet them and does it really matter? - Monthly ramble by Anna

Goals - do we ever meet them or is it the way we assess them?

I have committed to doing more mentoring this year and I have this week asked my wonderful peeps to set out their goals for the year. I am also doing this for myself again this year but I never seem to meet them!

I have been thinking lately whether it matters if we meet them. But of course it matters but is it the only thing to consider? I do think goal setting is useful but not if they sit in your top draw or if you never meet them. So maybe it is about how we assess our goals? As maybe goals should only be aspirational and far reaching? Is it not the journey of life rather than the end goal that sustains us? Maybe we should be asking the following 'well being' questions against our goals when we are measuring our progress. These questions could sit beside the quantitative measurables. Along with keeping in mind how we may wish our overall life to be?
  • What am I grateful for?
  • What is my most important task this week?
  • What story worthy moment happened this week?
  • How am I feeling today?
  • What is working right now. What could I do better?
At the end of life is it not these questions we should ask:
  • Have we lived wisely?
  • Have you loved richly?
  • Have you served the world greatly?
I think living a life wisely is learning that we will never know everything and everything comes with so much grey. So learning and flexing about the world and the people who reside in our world is something wise people do. I think also it is about knowing that you may not always be right but rather hope people will consider our views. So much in this word 'wise' as there is also something about contentment verse progress. I could go on and on.

Loving richly is such as wonderful overall goal and is easily misplaced. I am personally loving more richly lately and absolutely love it!

As for serving the world greatly as everyone knows one of my personal and business goals is to continue being a sustainable warrior. Lol not necessarily a warrior as this word is not really in my nature but you get the gist. So some of the simple broad goals are as follows:
  • Try to buy fresh and local
  • Recycle, reuse and repurpose
  • Sustainable investing
  • Coaching others through stories to find ways to be more sustainable
  • Connecting more with the community

And like anything, if we are not fit and healthy things can get hard. However as I have written before, I am totally against all the individual retort that is all over our modern world ie work on self to make you happy. Sure but connecting with others and serving the community brings so much more contentment and joy. Connect connect and connect deeply. We are not designed to live alone. We are designed to be with the people who love us (not the stranger that you meet to discuss your fragmented woes but those that are your tribe!)

Thanks for listening to my ramble again
Anna Mills-Bordignon xx

PS picture above is me at my desk working on our signage and my goal setting book.
Below are some cool local ladies doing some cool stuff. We now have the NZ made natural toothpaste and tooth tabs in our Showroom and online. Along with the Sunsick natural sunscreen and natural deodorant from Raw. And of course our local legend Elizabeth Barbalich from Antipodes. Supporting local women doing cool things!

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