We have just released our second ever Sustainability & Social Impact Report. This is a biannual report, tracking the impacts we are making.
We are proud to show the public what we do. We always premise our actions on being transparent and this report takes this further. We are committed to continually improving as we grow and learn.
Munching the numbers
Here are just a few of the achievements we have made in the past 5 years, by the numbers:
- 800,000+ waxed or sewn or soaped.
- 40,000+ hours of fair labour
- 1,000,000+ pieces of plastic saved from landfill by buying Munch reusables!
These have been achieved with your involvement - our Munch community of customers, retail partners, supporters. Thank you!
In the next two years we plan to increase our impact even further! Our goals are: 2 million total pieces of plastic saved by the end of 2022, to increase our New Zealand Home Workforce team to 40 with ongoing fair work, and to continue leading in product stewardship by bringing Silicone Send Back repurposing to mainstream.
Making locally and thinking globally.
Sustainability is a concept which has grown in significance and popularity over the last twenty years, as governments, businesses and the public become increasingly aware that we can no longer continue to function as if the Earth’s resources are infinite. We know that we must change our behavior in almost every aspect of our lives and work so the natural and built environments, and ecosystems which our lives and economy rely on, will be there for future generations.
The United Nations has established some key environmental and social sustainability goals — the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — which are ambitious, but if we all play a part then as a human group we will be able to create change on our planet.
To assist in preserving our planet’s precious resources we need to ensure that we fit with some of the world wide sustainability goals. We have chosen to consider the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a foundation for what we are trying to achieve.
In particular at Munch Cupboard, we contribute to the following SDGs:
Goal 3: Good health and wellbeing
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Goal 13: Climate action
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

Our little bit
Munch Cupboard Limited is playing a part in changing consumer behavior and developing more sustainable manufacturing methods in New Zealand.
We are a social enterprise and being ecologically sustainable is just one of our social impacts. It is our belief that social justice goes hand in hand with sustainable ideals and goals. Workers deserve to be paid fairly throughout the supply chain. Also some profits must be reinvested back into the community we draw from.
Over the last 5 years we have seen a huge growth in consumers wishing to buy eco friendly and sustainably made products. Retailers are meeting this consumer demand by sourcing out eco products and stocking sustainable brands. However, in turn this has given rise to greenwashing and short term attitudes to capitalise on consumer interest. We believe it is essential to be honest, genuine, ethical and transparent so wholesalers and consumers really know what they are buying.
We are committed to our business having a positive impact on the world. We want to leave the world a better place for our children.
Our 6 sustainability and social commitments
Our reporting is in 6 main categories - based on the 6 global goals that we have chosen to work towards:
- Reducing life cycle impacts of our products, processing and packaging and general operations
- Supply chain transperancy
- Three way decision making
- Organic material
- Fair labour
- Positive change
Read the full report online HERE
I hope you will take a look through, see our current measurements and our future goals for each of these categories.
Get in touch if you would like to discuss - we'd love to hear your feedback.
Anna B + team
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