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NZ Artisan Awards

Many of you will know that we are in now over 150 New World and Pak n Save Stores through out New Zealand.  We are very proud of ourselves for obtaining such good distribution in such a mainstream chain and only in the last 6 months. We tried 5 years ago to get some of our products into the Supermarkets, in particular the Munch Beeswax Foodwraps but we essentially got told to go away, what on earth are you talking about!  This is just another example of how the market has caught up to us and consumers are now really caring about our environment and what plastic can do to it.

Anyhow we have recently found out that we are one of the NZ Artisans for the Supermarkets.  See below the other brands that achieved this status.

 So make sure you look out for us on the shelf!


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