We are in the news about our new Showroom. Opening this Thursday at 5.30. Speeches at 6pm. You can tune into the speeches on events over on our Facebook page.
Here is a snippet from the news...
Munch and it’s sister brand Nil have been empowering Kiwi’s to be more eco friendly for over five years, with their wide range of plastic free and sustainably made essential products. Considering the environmental impacts isn’t new for founder Anna Bordignon, who says the whole product lifecycle needs to be looked at to be sustainable and ethical.
Bordignon says a lot has changed since they started. Back in 2015, eco and sustainable product categories didn’t exist in mainstream supermarkets. Fast forward to 2020, single use plastic bags are gone and waste reduction and sustainable reporting is expected of businesses.
Munch are proud to be playing a part in changing behaviour in consumer buying and sustainable manufacturing. They have seen an increase in consumer knowledge about sustainable and ethical production.
Read more here.
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