A warm meal for this colder weather we are heading into! Easy recipe with delicous results.
Prep Time
25 minutes
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A warm meal for this colder weather we are heading into! Easy recipe with delicious results. You can always take out the bacon for dietery requirements.

500 grams fettuccine
500 grams mushrooms
4 tablespoons of olive oil
½ cup of cream
4 strips of bacon
½ cup parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon lemon juice
⅓ cup of parsley
1 cup pasta water
2 tablespoons of butter
Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large pan on a medium-high heat. Slice mushrooms in half then place half of them in the hot pan with oil.
Begin to boil a pot of water in preparation for the pasta. Leave mushrooms undisturbed for 3 minutes or until edges turn brown, then toss occasionally for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and onto a plate.
Repeat with the other half of the mushrooms. Salt the mushrooms once they are all cooked.
Add pasta to the pot of water once it has boiled. Cook for 2 minutes less than package directions, so it is very al dente.
While pasta is cooking, fry bacon on the stovetop on a medium-high heat. Cut up bacon into small pieces when done.
Remove pasta from heat, reserving 1 cup of pasta water. Add pasta to the big pan with mushrooms, bacon, cream and pasta water. Increase heat to medium, bring to a simmer, and cook, tossing constantly, until pasta is al dente and liquid is slightly thickened, about 3 minutes.
Remove pan from the heat and add butter, parsley, parmesan, lemon juice and salt & pepper. Stir to combine.
Serve with more parmesan sprinkled on top. Enjoy!
Recipe Note
For dietry requirements, remove the bacon from the meal:)
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