Peas are extremely versatile and can easily be added to risottos, kedgeree, omelettes, pasta, soups, casseroles and green curries. For the kids, I just add them into the pasta/rice at the end of its cooking process.
Prep Time
5 minutes
Cook Time
15 minutes
Munch Cupboard
These Pea and cottage cheese fritters are great for lunchboxes, picnics or finger-food lunches at home. In fact I enjoy eating them too! Freddie and Lottie gobble them down and quite often have seconds.
I love putting fritters in lunchboxes for Freddie. They’re quick and easy to make but don’t compromise on giving him a protein packed, veggie loaded lunch that will keep him full and help him learn. I know from my teaching days that the kids who ate a good lunch (and breakfast) where the ones who generally thrived in the classroom. From my experience being hungry often means compromised learning and behaviour.
You can freeze these Pea and cottage cheese fritters ready to go in plastic containers to cut down on time during a busy week.
Munch Mum, Kate Day

1 cup frozen peas
1 grated carrot
1 grated zucchini
¾ cup of cottage cheese
2 eggs
4 tbsp self raising flour (if you are grain or gluten free replace with almond meal)
1 tsp baking powder
Method Cook the peas for about 5 minutes. Then drain and puree (not too smooth, leave some peas whole for texture).
Add the grated carrot, cottage cheese, zucchini and eggs and combine.
Add the flour and baking powder to form at batter.
Heat butter or oil in a pan over a medium heat. Once hot spoon in the batter, about 1½ tbsps per fritter, cook for 3-4 minutes until you see bubbles forming on the surface.
Flip and cook for another 3 minutes. They should still feel a bit soft as they continue to cook on the plate. Enjoy!
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