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Empowering children on sustainability

We are currently working with Island Bay Primary School on a 5 week sustainability education activity program which we started last week.

The children walk down to our Showroom from their school collecting rubbish along the way with their teacher. We start by looking at what they have collected and how we can dispose of the rubbish. We highlight that this is a little step that they can do to help protect the environment.

Our first session was on the concept ‘eco loops’ which is a good example of Product Stewardship.  Our key product that this concept showcases is our Munch Organic Beeswax Food wraps.  

  • Material is Organic
  • Made in New Zealand
  • New Zealand material
  • All 'off cuts' are turned into our Organic Fire Starters that we invented
  • We collect old beeswax wraps and turn those also into our Organic Fire Starters
  • The Organic Fire Starters are burnt
  • The ash can be placed back into the earth to nourish the soil

We broke the groups into 3. One group chose their favourite Munch fabric to make a beeswax wrap and cut it into any shape they wanted. We had all sorts of shapes! Then that group were able to make their own beeswax wrap with Anna.

Then the second group made their own avatar - eco hero. They then drew their eco hero onto a badge to wear in the Showroom. While in the Showroom (and beyond) they become true little eco warriors. The badges were the 'off cuts' from our NZ made wooden display stands.

The third group made the fire starters and many took home a half a dozen to give to their parents.

At the end of the session we burnt outside a fire starter on the footpath. For those who are concerned about the safety of this, we made sure the kids were well away from the fire starter and we had water to put it out on hand. The kids loved watching the fire starter burn!

We had so much fun with the kids and we are looking forward to our next session with them.

Education is the key success to making a change. 

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