We asked Zoe to do a review on our Eco Hero Dinnerset (which includes the eco hero bowl, cup, lid, fork, spoon and slip mat) and see what she said below…
There comes a time in every baby’s life where milk alone no longer cuts the mustard, and just when you thought you had enough baby ‘stuff’ to get you through to when she leaves for uni, you realise you’ve a need for baby feeding paraphernalia.
As a mum of 3, I like to think I’ve tried a fair few things in this department. Melamine, enamel, porcelain, plastic with some sort of Elsa sticker – all come with their pros and cons (Pros: they hold food. Cons: they last approximately 2.9 meals before being broken or leaching toxins and stickers into food) and all seem to have one thing in common: they leave me wondering “what on earth possessed me to part with my money for THIS?”
Enter, the Eco Hero Dinnerset from Munch Cupboard.
So why rice husks? Well, rice husks are part of the rice plant. They use to be burnt after harvest and now we can make our eco hero range out of this ‘by – product’. How cool is that? Making use of rubbish!! I just love that concept. Also the rice husk is biodegradable, so that means once you have finished with your eco hero product, just pop it in your compost and it will break down. And no, it does not mean that our products are ‘one use products’. It means that maybe in 50 years when you have finished using them, then you can through them out and you know that they will feed the earth!
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