Subconscious and the silly season
I have been thinking lately about the subconscious and how many philosophers focus on the need for us to bring forward the subconscious to the conscious. As Carl Jung states,
'Until you make the subconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate'.
So in my simple mind this means being insightful about who we are and how we act within the world. Some philosophers and potentially religious scholars will say we already exist as perfect vessels for the whole consciousness. I believe it is about being conscious of our actions and feelings at a present moment. Why do we feel that way, why have we acted that way? It is those little steps of insights that allow us to become wiser humans. In my mind it is ensuring we have time for reflection and looking for those blind spots. The blind spot theory is one that has intrigued me this year. I think it is a similar to the subconscious as neither are obvious, right? Although I think to really understand a blind spot you need others to spot them for you. Engaging with people and collaborating is a way to become aware of blind spots. That is why we often ask our customers for feedback so we keep abreast of potential blind spots in our business. So thanks for being part of that.
I see that bringing the subconscious forward into everyday life is no different than bringing forward the 'whys' in a business. Why are we in business? Why do we sell products that are good for the environment? Our mantra has been about considering what things are made of, who makes them and will they leave any waste on the planet. Our 'why' for our business is for others and the planet. It is not driven by the ego or a profit but simply a desire to be innovative and help the planet.
Considering how our subconscious works maybe useful over this silly season as it is so easy to get carried away with consumerism and the busyness of it all. Maybe it is a good time for reflection to draw out insights from the subconscious and consider our 'why' in our working life. Some things to think about for Christmas might be the following:
I have been thinking lately about the subconscious and how many philosophers focus on the need for us to bring forward the subconscious to the conscious. As Carl Jung states,
'Until you make the subconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate'.
So in my simple mind this means being insightful about who we are and how we act within the world. Some philosophers and potentially religious scholars will say we already exist as perfect vessels for the whole consciousness. I believe it is about being conscious of our actions and feelings at a present moment. Why do we feel that way, why have we acted that way? It is those little steps of insights that allow us to become wiser humans. In my mind it is ensuring we have time for reflection and looking for those blind spots. The blind spot theory is one that has intrigued me this year. I think it is a similar to the subconscious as neither are obvious, right? Although I think to really understand a blind spot you need others to spot them for you. Engaging with people and collaborating is a way to become aware of blind spots. That is why we often ask our customers for feedback so we keep abreast of potential blind spots in our business. So thanks for being part of that.
I see that bringing the subconscious forward into everyday life is no different than bringing forward the 'whys' in a business. Why are we in business? Why do we sell products that are good for the environment? Our mantra has been about considering what things are made of, who makes them and will they leave any waste on the planet. Our 'why' for our business is for others and the planet. It is not driven by the ego or a profit but simply a desire to be innovative and help the planet.
Considering how our subconscious works maybe useful over this silly season as it is so easy to get carried away with consumerism and the busyness of it all. Maybe it is a good time for reflection to draw out insights from the subconscious and consider our 'why' in our working life. Some things to think about for Christmas might be the following:
- Remember what Christmas is about and not just busyness and material gifts
- Find time for reflection
- Less excess, more gratitude
- Wrap presents in old material or scarves
- Sing and dance as it is so good for the sole
- If you don't like singing, play or listen to music
- Buy quality not quantity
- Make things with people you love
- Ring that person who you think about often and tell them how you feel
- And don't forget all the cool special Christmas Munch products we have bought in for Christmas. Shop here :).
I know a lot of concepts in this mailer but I have tried to keep it simple and not too muddled. You may have read between the lines that I am actually getting too busy in this crazy silly season as well!! Feel free to email me if you want to discuss more.
'Those people who are least aware of their unconscious side are the most influenced by it'.
Carl Jung
Carl Jung
Thanks for listening to my ramble again
Anna Mills-Bordignon xx
PS picture above is me in my new EV car - living my values as discussed in my November newsletter.
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