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Rebrand - here we go

Rebrand - here we go

Firstly thank you to all our amazing followers who answered our brand survey back in February. Just before the world started changing.... 

As you know in March/April our total focus was on making 10,000's of reusable facemasks so it has not been till now that we have had time to get back to business as normal. Well the new normal as everyone says.

On the brand survey we asked questions like what did the brand mean to you.  What you liked and did not like about the brand.  What did it represent etc.  Overall many of you said that you thought Munch was just a kiddie brand. Over the last few years we have been selling just as many kiddie lines as we have main product lines. So we needed to widen the brand with the look and feel. And this is exactly what we did.

The other main comment was that the logo did not show off the sustainability of the brand which is the main focus for the whole of the business.  The logo was designed for our first product being a baby cookbook, almost 7 years ago. So it was not surprising that the logo did not now reflect what the brand was about.  So we have fixed that too.

What you all liked was the colourful nature of the brand and the painterly graphical look which we are keeping.  You also said more advertising and more of Anna, which we are working on.

I am pleased to show you our new logo that will be going up on many online sites and throughout our products.  I hope you like it as I do!!

For me it is a more grown up brand image (which we are now), it links the sustainability focus clearly and still keeps our playful nature with the painterly look and the little bite of the strawberry.  The bite also links the word munch with a visual and to food.  And it is not too far from our original brand so that you all still recognize us in the busy world of many brands.

Stay safe and thank you.

Anna xx

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What a whirlwind of events.  A change in how we view our world, our health and our businesses.  It still makes me very sad that my children are experiencing a global pandemic.  I am from a generation that has been so lucky with no world wars, reasonable economy and no world wide disasters.  Our grandparents lived through world wars and the depression.  They seemed to have come out of fine and I am sure we all will as well.  But it is very hard to see our world change so dramatically in such a short space of time.

Yes I am proud to be a New Zealander and how we have managed this terrible virus in our backyard.  So far so good. But I still worry whether there will ever be a vaccine but I do hope we will find an antibody and at least stamp out what we can. I also worry for the economic ramifications of what is happening around us and how that will effect relationships, mental health and our society as a whole.  I do unfortunately think there is going to be hard times ahead for many over the next couple of years.

Well, I am going to try my damnedest to make sure I keep as many people busy and employed as I am capable of doing.  This is my drive, my mission for my greater community.  By doing this, I believe we will help those people to stay mentally fit, contribute to their family income and be proud of being part of something exciting. As a business owner, it is my duty to do this and it is my duty to find new exciting ways to ensure the longevity of a business that I have thrown my heart and sole into. One that I am very proud off and one that I do not want to lose.

So to keep my people busy and employed we pivoted (super quickly) to making NZ made cloth filtrated reusable masks.  To this day, I have never launched a product as quickly as I did this one.  We had the design, retail packaging, production, legals etc all done and dusted within 48 hours!  Although like all our products we are always fine tuning as we go along.

However it has been the hardest product that I have ever launched, there has been a lot of sweat and tears over this one.  However I feel very lucky to have an amazing Production Manager who has been incredible. The main reason is that I feel a strong responsibility to ensure that we are helping and not hindering health matters. So for me, it is so important to make sure we are saying the right things, we are checking carefully all the claims by our Suppliers and at the same time looking to see what other people are doing in this space.  I suppose it is my legal background coming into play and my sense of community responsibility.

Is it weird seeing people wearing masks and making them? Absolutely yes. Sometimes I think about it and it makes me very sad to think we need such a thing. It also took a long time to convince my Sales team that this is something we ought to do.  But then other times I think, I am so proud to be producing over 1000 a week (and growing dramatically) and keeping at least 10 sewers busy. If we are going to have to wear such things, lets make it bright and fun. AND that is what Munch is about.  So this little project #THE GOOD FACE MASK is one that I would never have thought we would be doing but one that I feel we are in fact doing our little bit to help New Zealand in so many ways.  We are doing our little bit.  We cannot save everyone and we cannot be global right now but we can do our bit.

Take are everyone xxx

You will find out masks available on our website, Farmers, Healthpost, Oncit, Farro Fresh, Foodstuffs AND many more places. If your favourite store does not have #THE GOODFACE MASK then just ask and tell them to email us.


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Gift for Healthcare front line workers

Gift for Healthcare front line workers

Thinking of you initiative.

We are so proud to one of the below amazing New Zealand brands to gift product to the New Zealand Healthcare front line workers.  In total we contributed together $250,000 worth of products.  It was also supported by Export NZ and New Zealand Food Grocery Council.

Hundreds of care packs were delivered to many hospitals throughout New Zealand. Grins staff delivered many of these parcels directly to the hospital staff.  One of the Grin team said the following:

 It truly made my day and makes me believe it is true blessing that we have the chance to make contribution when we can (Tara CEO Grin):

 “Today we delivered another 150 care bags to the ICU and ED staff at Auckland hospital. We were truly humbled when they thanked us for the small act of just thinking about them. They have the same fears and anxiety as everyone else but they have to face the hard realities of Covid 19 every day. For them to know that they are appreciated and that there are businesses working together to give them a small gift has far greater value and any of the products they received today. When you witness the massive positive impact of this small gesture, you know how blessed we are to be able to give back. We can see the good that has been created and I only wish we could tell more people about it to encourage all New Zealander’s (businesses and individuals) to take care of each other and that we can get through this together. By getting this message out as much as we can we hope to let all frontline workers know they aren’t forgotten and to inspire others to help those in need in any way they can.”

I totally agree and I am so proud to have been part of this amazing gifting initiative. I think it is important to remember everyone (and that is everyone) has the same fears and anxiety around Covid19 and if we can find ways to be kind, this is the least we can do.

Take care and be kind.

Anna x

PS below is a very primitive but meaningful video I did for this initiative. I love the wiri wand.....


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How to keep the family happy

How to keep the family happy
What an uncertain time for the world.  So much grief and concern. The Coronavirus causing havoc throughout the world.  However a time where our international communities have joined together to try and save all.  I am a true optimist and believe that we will get through this but we need to get through this by keeping our families well BUT also happy.

As many of you know we have three little boys that we care for deeply like any parent.  My biggest concern over this uncertain time is how they are feeling and acting.  Unfortunately it will not be the only time in their life's that uncertainty will prevail but it is the first time.  For me, how I lead them through this is very important to me.

I don't want my children to grow up in a world that they fear or are scared of their surroundings. But I do want them to understand and keep everything in proportion.  My eldest boy came home the other day and said 'mum it is a pandemic and everyone is going to get sick'.  Words like pandemic, recessions, death and many more are very difficult for children to understand.  So what can we do to help them?
  • I think it is really important to reassure them that humans have encountered these problems before and we have survived.
  • I think it is really important to clarify terms that they do not understand and make sure they tell you what is being said in the playground or on social media (in fact for the older kids who use social media, limit their usage). For example my middle boy came home yesterday and said 'mum all the schools are closing tomorrow'.  That is his dream- haha but that was totally wrong
  • Eating well needs to be stressed.  If we can naturally build our immune system with good healthy food that is one of the best things we can do.  I pulled out all my cookbooks over the weekend and started to plan our meals and looked for meals with more vegetables and desserts loaded with fruit.  In fact I really liked spending the time doing this as I love to cook.  For myself as a mother, providing healthy food for my family is away of loving them and during this time there is going to be lots of loving meals!!
  • How our kids act towards others is also important to monitor over this time.  Yes it is key to stress social distancing but this does not mean being disrespectful to those that might be unwell or people in general.  We need to remind them what it is like to be in another persons shoes.
On a practical level there are a number of things we can do to keep healthy and safe at the same time making it fun (if we can).
  • Simple hand washing is so important. In fact, it has really helped the boys be a lot more vigilant with hand washing. Prior to this time, I was constantly telling them (unfortunately) after the toilet or before they ate - 'have you washed your hands - yes mum - let me see - go back and wash them'.  But it seems now the boys are a lot more obliging when it comes to hand washing.  Also I showed them the Nanogirl video on what a virus looks like and how to make our own soaps which was fantastic.  The video kept everything light but highlighted the important key messages.
  • Also remind kids to cough and sneeze into their elbows and through away old tissues. 
  • To keep things light, show them the many new ways to greet people. Have a watch of this  Mashable video below.

Lastly, how can Munch help you and your family?  We are going to take things back to simple.  For us that is simply food.  Twice a week we will send you out a healthy recipe (and totally easy) along with tips on how to keep your kids spirits up. Sign up here to start receiving these.

    We will shortly have masks available which have been supplied free of charge by one of our amazing international suppliers which we will pass on to you, if needed.  One country caring for the other.  Like they say, in times of difficulty people bond together.

    te aroha

    Anna B

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    NEW Munch Kiwiana fabrics are out

    NEW Munch Kiwiana fabrics are out

    We love our new Munch Kiwiana range.  We are proud to be kiwis and we thought it would be great to do a range to celebrate New Zealand. Our love for the pohutakwa tree/flower, the beach/sand, our iconic ferns and our small humble birds like the fantail. 

     You will find this fabric range on our Munch Beeswax Food Wraps and our dishcloths.  As you know to keep things fresh and we love new ideas, we bring out new designs twice a year.

    This series was designed by the talented Kate Colins.  Read more about her here...

    I am a freelance graphic designer with a commercial background in apparel/textile design.  I am originally from Cornwall in the UK but have been living in beautiful New Zealand for 17 years.  I have a degree in fine arts which comprised printmaking and early childhood studies and later completed a graphic design course in New Zealand. My first job was for a childrens clothing company and I have worked in apparel ever since predominantly working in kids wear as this is where my passion lies. It has been fun to branch out and apply print to other mediums. I love developing colour palettes and have developed a strong eye for colour. I see colour palettes everywhere I look in both the natural and urban environments.

    I love eclectic, bold, fun, bright prints and I am slightly rainbow obsessed.

    Be proud to be a kiwi as we are pretty special!!

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