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Supporting teachers

Supporting teachers

Education for our children is such an important step in their life. But here’s the thing we don’t have enough teachers! Why? Because well they are simply unappreciated and underpaid. I don’t know about you but we here at Munch Cupboard do not like this one bit and we need to get behind the teachers.  NZEI said:

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Baby Swaddle review

Baby Swaddle review

Another month, another review. We absolutely love hearing what you all have to say about our amazing products. We are also so very lucky to have such amazing influencers review our products and give us their honest opinion. This month we have been oh so lucky to have the amazing Millie from Mama Bears Blog review our beautiful Organic Cotton Baby Swaddle. So here’s what Millie had to say about our Organic Cotton Baby Swaddle.

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Femmepire Summit

Femmepire Summit

Professional headshot photos, make-up artist, goodie bag, donut walls, kombucha, delicious eats, chill lounge, wines, inspiring stories… You may be thinking that we are about to talk about an amazing competition however you would be wrong. This is the Femmepire Summit. It’s a day to celebrate woman doing amazing things in the business world and telling their stories. It’s a day where woman celebrate each other’s success and help other woman to reach theirs… So I guess you could say it’s a celebration party.

So what is the Femmepire Summit? According to their website it is “New Zealand’s most gangbuster female conference ever, which is more like a good time than just a conference. Come and connect with fellow femtrepreneurs, creatives, industry experts and female though leaders”.

 Now where does Munch Cupboard come in with this. Well as per their website “We’ve curated a speaker programme inclusive of women from all walks of life and at different stages of their careers. Our speakers range across multiple sectors from media, fashion, tech, social enterprise, creative industries and CEOs of large corporates”. Munch Cupboard is a social enterprise and we are very happy to announce that Munch Cupboards founder was on the “Leading with Purpose” panel. Anna had such an amazing time and absolutely loved speaking at the conference.

 We absolutely love what Femmepire stands for which is: Woman helping woman means everybody wins. Some of you may not know this about Munch Cupboard but we are all woman. The majority of us are mothers raising young families and we are lucky enough to have the freedom to work for an amazing company and still be able to pick up our kids from school.

Empowered women empower women

 If you would like to read more about Femmpire Summit click on the link here.

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Produce bags for Plastic Free July

Produce bags for Plastic Free July

We are so lucky to have such amazing mummy bloggers test out our products and give us their honest feedback. So with that being said this week we have a Munch Produce Bags Review for you all from Hannah from Raising The Rutlands so make sure you click here to check it out.

With Plastic Free July being well and truly done we still look at plastic alternatives and how we can replace those pesky single use bags. So we brought out our Munch Produce Bag. These produce bags are really stretchy so you can store heaps of produce in them. They are also super strong so you don’t need to worry abut the bags ripping and your tomatoes going all over the ground getting squashed and bruised. These produce bags are super easy to clean as well! So on the off chance you leave a mandarin in them from your weekly shop and the mandarin goes mouldy you simply can just chuck the produce bags in the washing machine and that’s it. Simply dry and you’re sorted!

In Hannah’s review of the Munch Produce Bags she says “The Munch Produce Bags take up hardly any space so I keep them in my bag at all times. Now I just couldn’t be without them as I use them almost every time I’m at the supermarket! I’m not an eco warrior by any means, but I truly believe everyone can make one or two small changes towards using less plastic. I love that there are companies like Munch that are working towards making reusable practical products for families.”

Other great parts from these produce bags that I love are all the different bright colours. They stand out so you never forget them plus they are super light weight so you don’t need to worry about that added weight when it comes to weighing your produce. These bags are also extremely breathable! You can keep fruit and vege in the bags in then fridge and not have to worry about them going bad at all. If you want to grab yourself a pair of these amazing produce bags then click here.

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Eco hero cup review

Eco hero cup review

As you know we are all about sustainability here at Munch Cupboard. Which leads me to our Eco Hero range and in this case the Eco Hero toddler cup. Our Munch Eco Hero Toddler cup is made from Rice Husk, which is a by-product of the rice industry. Because the Eco Hero range is made from Rice Husks this makes them completely biodegradable meaning you can chuck it in the compost once you’re done. Simple as that. Why am I talking about the Eco Hero Toddler cup you may ask? Well, we have another amazing Eco Hero Toddler Cup review. We are lucky enough to have the amazing Kristen from the Southern Chicken Lady review our Eco Hero Toddler Cup. So, what did Kristen have to say?

 “We even use water in ours after she’s had her cup of juice for the day. The mouth piece is soft silicone which is easy to sip from and easy to clean. Some sippy cups we’ve purchased before are made of hard plastic and you can never get to those tiny crevices to clean thoroughly so this was really nice to discover how soft the spout is”. Kristen is right about the silicon tip. The soft silicon spout promotes natural drinking action which is amazing for healthy oral development. Kids only need to use minimal pressure when drinking which means they won’t damage their teeth or soft palates.


She also had this to say about the Eco Hero Toddler cup “One you won’t just throw out days or weeks after purchasing because it broke or you can’t get it clean so you choose to toss it out. Toddlers can be very messy when it comes to food and drinks ( I know mine were very messy at times), this cup makes it easy to clean, use and is eco-friendly. It’s a win, win!”. We completely agree with Kristen here as she is completely right! These cups are made to last and we absolutely love them ourselves

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